Entrance to the polling station in the craftsman passage with Heiko Schmidt (INNO-CON), Stoyan Mikhailov (Bulgarian embassy) and Rositsa Komitova (election aides)
Entrance to the polling station in the craftsman passage with Heiko Schmidt (INNO-CON), Stoyan Mikhailov (Bulgarian embassy) and Rositsa Komitova (election aides)

With a short-term decision from the Central Electoral Commission (https://www.cik.bg) in Sofia, the conditions were created for the first time which enabled a polling station for the European elections in Leipzig. INNO-CON supported the responsible Bulgarian Embassy for the organizational preparation with the centrally located premises at the Europahaus (https://www.europa-haus-leipzig.de) within the Leipzig market center.

The possibility to vote locally was widely and joyfully accepted by the Bulgarians living in the region. This allowed many to avoid the journey to Berlin or to other more remote polling stations



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