The 10th Anniversary Edition of the Sustainable Development and Environmental Manager Day in Southeast Europe, held on November 7, 2024, at the Grand Hotel Sofia, attracted a large number of participants with its current topics, unified under the motto “Sustainable Development.” The event was organized under the patronage of the Association for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection (VNU), in partnership with INNO-KON, DQS Bulgaria, and with the kind support of Ecomax.

The Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water has implemented an electronic system for the submission of documents and the tracking of procedures related to transboundary shipments of waste, which are subject to prior written notification and consent under Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste.
On December 18, 2023, Honorary Consul Heiko Schmidt paid an inaugural visit to Mr. Oliver Schenk, the Chief of the Saxon State Chancellery and State Minister for Federal Affairs and Media.
The radio show "Who Speaks?" from Darik Radio visited the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin from December 12 to 14, 2024, to discuss diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Germany, as well as German-Bulgarian trade and economic relations with various guests.

This year's Southeast European Environmental and Sustainability Managers' Day took place on October 26, 2023, in Sofia under the theme "Sustainable Development". The event was organized by the Bulgarian section of the VNU and INNO-CON GmbH, with the generous support of Ekomax, the main sponsor, and DQS Bulgaria. As always, the event garnered significant interest from industry representatives, public administration, the scientific community, and experts. The topics discussed this year were highly relevant and of global significance.

The simul+Workshop of the innovation network "DIEKUH", the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (SMR) and the Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS) organised a workshop with around 70 participants on 20 October at the Clinic for Cloven-hoofed Animals at the University of Leipzig, focusing on the topic of sustainability through the interaction of state-of-the-art technologies and livestock farming.

Event hosted by the Verband für Nachhaltigkeits- und Umweltmanagement e.V. (Association for Sustainability and Environmental Management, VNU)
October 26, 2023, Grand Hotel Sofia, Sofia, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
This year's Environmental and Sustainability Managers' Day revolves around the diverse aspects of SUSTAINABILITY in the industry.
Industrial hydrogen as a driver of structural change: Leading speakers from industry and academia will inform you about the current technical applications of hydrogen in the industry and how it can be used as an energy storage medium for renewable energy sources.

A significant milestone for Bulgarian veterinary medicine
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria - The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Stara Zagora University is celebrating its 100th anniversary. This historic event was marked by outstanding events and conferences, attracting international guests from across Europe.

On Friday, April 28, 2023, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Elena Shekerletova, presented the certificate of appointment as Honorary Consul of Bulgaria for the Free State of Saxony to our Managing Director, Heiko Schmidt, during a solemn ceremony at the Club International in Leipzig. In January 2023, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria recognized Mr. Schmidt's proven competence in developing economic relations between the two countries and decided to appoint him Honorary Consul. Members of parliament, state and local politicians, and business representatives accepted the invitation to the ceremony