Event hosted by the Verband für Nachhaltigkeits- und Umweltmanagement e.V. (Association for Sustainability and Environmental Management, VNU)

October 17, 2024, Grand Hotel Sofia, Sofia, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

For the 10th time, the Bulgaria Section of the Association for Sustainability and Environmental Management (VNU) is inviting participants to the Sustainability and Environmental Manager Day Southeast Europe (SEMD) in Bulgaria. The event is organized with the support of the companies INNO-CON and Ecomax. This year's SEMD for Southeast Europe will focus on the diverse aspects of sustainability.


The topic of “Sustainability” is examined from four perspectives:


Current Challenges arising from the Green Deal and the National Environmental Strategy 2021 - 2030


Best Available Techniques for Recycling and Recovery


Verification of Sustainability Reports


Life Cycle Assessment and Product Carbon Footprint


To secure your personal invitation, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject "SЕMD 2024" and your contact details by October 10, 2024.

Participation in the event is free of charge for VNU members, invited guests of INNO-CON and ECOMAX, DQS Bulgaria customers, as well as representatives of regulatory authorities and environmental inspections.


This event hosted by VNU and supported by INNO-CON and ECOMAX. Learn more about VNU membership here: Membership


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From left to right: Chief of the State Chancellery and State Minister for Federal Affairs and Media Oliver Schenk and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Schmidt, Source: State Chancellery of Saxony
From left to right: Chief of the State Chancellery and State Minister for Federal Affairs and Media Oliver Schenk and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Schmidt, Source: State Chancellery of Saxony