The simul+Workshop of the innovation network "DIEKUH", the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (SMR) and the Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS) organised a workshop with around 70 participants on 20 October at the Clinic for Cloven-hoofed Animals at the University of Leipzig, focusing on the topic of sustainability through the interaction of state-of-the-art technologies and livestock farming.
Minister of State Thomas Schmidt placed agriculture in the overall economic context and emphasised the interdisciplinary cooperation. He was particularly pleased that international partners from Austria and Hungary also participated in the simul+workshop working group.
Minister of State Thomas Schmidt placed agriculture in the overall economic context and emphasised the interdisciplinary cooperation. He was particularly pleased that international partners from Austria and Hungary also participated in the simul+workshop working group.
In addition to the 15 network partners of the innovation network "DIEKUH", this working meeting was attended by other partners who share the same approach, namely digitalisation, automation and holistic and sustainable resource management in animal husbandry. It is no longer possible to imagine agricultural production without ecological aspects.

Photo by Erwin Schmidt
As a long-standing expert in the field of environmental protection, INNO-CON is one of the network partners and responsible for working group 3 "Environmental protection/sustainability". Here, initial assessments of greenhouse gas emissions from animal production are to be determined. In doing so, the working group draws on proven methods in greenhouse gas balancing from other sectors and adapts them to the specific conditions.
Most of the speakers at the event addressed the topic of sustainability in their presentations from their respective perspectives, such as construction planning, stable construction and regional energy network. Different approaches to reduce the carbon footprint were presented. The development from specific CO2 consideration to holistic (comprehensive) greenhouse gas accounting was seen as a challenge.